Monday, June 02, 2008

Weekend Recap - Sunday

I was lazy. I knew we were going to go to Brunswick, NE to see Laura's grandparents so I decided I would ride part of the way and get picked up. I knew the course to Laurel well, and all the hills I would encounter so I decided to leave a little later thinking that's all my body would have in it after a longer, slower, butt-hurting Saturday ride. So, I left home at 8:40 am and headed across the border.

Amazingly I felt much better than anticipated and sat back at what I felt to be a comfortable pace as I rolled up and down the hills on Hwy 15 in Nebraska. Right as I was eying the city limits sign of Laurel, Laura called me on the cell phone. They were just getting ready to leave Vermillion after getting gas. I told her that after a brief stop that I was going to drive on and she could pick me up between Laurel and Randolph.

Apparently I was doing better than expected as I hit Randolph and still no sign of the Ford Deathstar. I called Laura and she was only about eight miles behind me so I decided that I would start disassembly of the bike and gear and just wait for her. Lessoned learned though. I blew a chance to get in another 20 miles or so because I didn't think I was ready. Silly me. Oh well it was still a good ride and an absolutely PERFECT riding day!

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