A Bike Commuter Moment
You know you're a bike commuter when you go to get into a car and you still tie your pant leg back so it doesn't get caught in the chain.
You know you're a bike commuter when you go to get into a car and you still tie your pant leg back so it doesn't get caught in the chain.
Incoherently rambled by
9:50 AM
1 things people thought I should know
Kevin Brady at Ignite Yankton from Ignite SD on Vimeo.
Incoherently rambled by
11:44 AM
things people thought I should know
Tour de Kota 2011 started with an unusual late start for me as I didn't hit the road until after 0730. I rolled out alone and after skirting traffic and other bicyclists leaving Sioux Falls I stepped it up a notch as I knew it was going to get pretty warm and I wasn't too excited about spending my day out in the hot sun. I was sporting my USD Coyote jersey to make sure everybody I rolled by, got to be passed by pure awesomeness. I moved on through Brandon as I was just getting my legs warmed up. Garretson was about 25 miles in and by then the hunger pains started taking over so I wandered downtown to find the American Legion serving Biscuits and Gravy, Eggs, Ham, Toast and drink for $5. It’s hard for me to say no to two things: Military based fundraisers and biscuits and gravy.
I had a usual occurrence at the Legion though. I washed my face and in doing so, set my rather old head wrap down. Realizing I had forgotten it, I went back in less than five minutes later and it was gone. This gross, sweaty, old, ratty, head wrap was gone. Somebody was either a) a klepto, b)¬ in desperate need of a head wrap or c) a little of both.
About half way between Garretson and Dell Rapids, I slowly caught a couple gentlemen that I had met from San Antonio and New Orleans. Shortly thereafter they hooked on with me and we pounded a stretch north in the 22.5 mph range and then in the 25-27 range heading west towards Dell Rapids. One fell off and his buddy dropped back to him. Alone again.
I stopped in Dell Rapids and caught up with some friends, including my friend Valerie who I hadn’t been on a ride with since our BRAN (Bike Ride Across Nebraska) days. After a bit of chit chat, I left to move on again. On my way out I rolled into the heard of FAB riders that made me feel like Norm from cheers. Many shouts of “Kevin”, “Brady”, “k-BiLLy” made me feel the love.
On the way to Colman I ran across a few of the local riders proudly sporting their USD jersey as we moved into SDSU territory. Upon stopping in Colman I caught up with the Wynia family and Derek asked if he could ride the last 26 miles with me. I instantly warned him of what happened the last time a young Wynia decided to ride with me for the first time. I was a little more accommodating to young Derek as I backed off a few times to when I caught glimpses that he might be suffering a little.
Derek and I rolled into Brookings with both bagging any ideas of riding the century loop. I pulled off and met Laura and Derek went on to SDSU. After Laura had a couple hours of working her massage magic on a few friends, we headed back to her sister Dulci’s house for the evening.
Stats of the day:
Different College Jerseys that I spotted: University of South Dakota, South Dakota State University, Augustana, University of Sioux Falls, University of Northern Iowa, Montana State University, Kansas State, Nebraska.
Funniest add on to a jersey: Seen strapped to the back of a jersey: “I’m old so don’t hit me. Push me!”
Incoherently rambled by
10:01 PM
things people thought I should know
Labels: Tour de Kota
Consecutive Days I've Gone Non-Motorized to Work:
2,451 as of 5/20/16
Streak started on March 5th, 2007
Bike to work streak ended 12/8/15 @ 2,326 days