Child 2 & 3 met me for lunch for a super nutritious meal of Chicken McNuggets. You just can't beat a .99 cent 6 piece on Tuesday. The following conversation incurred:
#2: Do you want to play disc golf tonight?
Me: Sure, but I'd like to get a ride in first.
#2: Where you going?
Me: I'm not sure, probably Elk Point and back
#2: How far is that?
Me: 30 mile round trip.
#2: I've gone that far before with you, can I go with you?
Me: Let's see how the rest of my work day goes.
Well, I got home and she wasn't back from the pool and when she came in she had forgot our discussion about going for a ride. Then a friend called and conversation number two occurred:
#2: Can I go to the pool with *friend*
Me: Sure, but did you want to go for a ride with me? You don't have to, and it won't hurt my feelings, but I will go with you if you want.
#2: (to friend on phone) I can't tonight, I'm going riding with my Dad!
She was pretty stoked. She got to wear Mom's shoes -- yes, my 11 year old has the same size feet as my wife -- and clip into the Crank Brother pedals for the first time and did amazingly well at it. She also got to put on the Tandem-Com, our communication system on the tandem. After a slight -- and only slight -- dropping of the stokers seat, we were off for a quick ride to Mulberry Point, a little over 16 mile round trip. It was incredibly hot and humid with little to no air moving, which became more evident when we stopped on top of Mulberry Point.
Sometimes a change in plans is just what you need. Sure, I could have went out solo and hammered 30 miles. I've been in a rut and probably needed a good hard ride. However I also want to encourage my children to ride and that is of utmost importance to me. I want them to know and love the freedom and lifestyle of cycling.
Tonight was time well spent. I now have a weekly date on the bike with my daughter, if not more.
No matter how fast we went, we just couldn't shake these two on our ride.

All smiles as Dad takes a shot over his shoulder.

Eating a few grapes during a quick break on top of Mulberry Point.