Monday, February 01, 2016

The Beginning of 2016 - Can Only Go Up From Here, Right?

Well, that was another busy month.  In an effort to keep myself accountable, I'm going to throw this out here for your enjoyment and/or mockery.  Yes, I have friends out there that rode more miles outside in one day this month than I did in the entire month. My goal is a modest 5,000 outdoor miles for the year.  Anything beyond will be gravy. 

This month, 100.4 outdoor miles disappointed even me. Sure I can argue that I spent a tough 13 hours and 41 minutes on the bike teaching cycling class at the USD Wellness Center, but my focus is on outdoor miles even though I AM keeping track of my indoor minutes. 

I am thoroughly enjoying my time on the Surly Ice Cream Truck.  My hopes are that after riding that tank around this winter that I'll be ready to fly when I hit the road on either the Bacchetta or Giant TCR0.

WARNING: EXCUSE ALERT:  Things that have been time sucks this month:  Working games at the dome, working on my house, preparing a plan/paperwork/meetings for recycle605 and the Dirty Dog race in April, enjoying time with Carson, and enjoying time with friends (and one in particular).

Excuses for February:  All the above plus studying for a BIG exam.  Better planning will be necessary for some much needed outdoor fun time.

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