Monday, January 21, 2008

Rollers, Snow, and Housework --OH MY

Nothing in the cycling world could have possibly made me feel more like I was just learning how to ride my bike again than rollers! It took me about 15 minutes to finally take a few pedal strokes without one hand on the counter in the basement. I DID conquer the rollers and will probably use them here and there, but I'm not a HUGE fan. Let's just say that bundling up and braving the cold for an hour or so sounds MUCH more appealing.

Snow...well...yes...we got snow today. I'm not totally sure how much we got, but I've heard anywhere from 7-10 inches. Ask me how my back feels from shoveling all this stuff! Even WITH the help of my 11 year old this morning. He magically disappeared after the snowplow went by and I had to dig out the driveway.

I am ready to go back to work. I've done enough housework to last me about two weeks this extended weekend. It all needed to be done and I can't complain. While I was busy with the laundry, Laura and her mother turned Marissa's room from Pink to this:

The "grass" was my idea and it went over well. It doesn't show up well on this picture, but there is "grass". Eventually it will have some lady bug, dragonfly, and butterfly stickers in the "sky" and on the "grass".

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